Budget issues at Minnesota could spell trouble for the athletics department. Read more here.
Let's hope that if and when the University of Minnesota is forced to cut teams due to budget shortfalls, it doesn't use proportionality to guide its decisions. After all, when schools claim that they're considering Title IX alongside the budget, they usually mean that they will implement enforcement mechanisms that cause rather than prevent discrimination on the basis of gender.

Read Dana Vollmer's (Granbury HS/Fort Worth Area Swim Team) first two installments of My Journey to London here and here.
It is not only physical training that impacts success at major competition. There are numerous emotional stressors that an athlete needs to be prepared for. Milt Nelms and my coach, Teri McKeever, have taught me how to use the ocean to enhance my mental training for racing in a 50 meter pool. We use the complexity and unpredictability of the ocean's waves to build not only physical resilience, but emotional resilience as well.

Part two is where six lucky children were pre-selected to have a private water safety lesson with Cullen in the pool. Today was different. We had a special guest joining us to encourage water safety and highlight the tragic drowning stats – Duane Brown, left tackle for the Houston Texans. When the Texans heard about the impact the USA Swimming Foundation is making through the Make a Splash program, they were more than eager to show support. Kevin Cooper, Director of Communication for the Texans, showed the USA Swimming Foundation tremendous support onsite and in recommending future programs for the area in support of our water safety mission.
Kansas offers swimming opportunities for women, but not men. It doesn't look like that's changing anytime soon. Read more here.
This is what it's come to, folks:
After the complaint, KU’s sports participation exactly matched the percentages of men and women enrolled at the university. In December, KU had 294 men participating in sports and 283 women, which was almost exactly the same percentages of the 8,846 men and 8,484 women enrolled on the Lawrence campus.
Results? Let's catch up:
TAGS (real time)
Columbus Grand Prix (real time)
American Short Course Champs (complete)
Time Trials (LCM)
Border B/C Champs
Border Champs
Gulf Champs II
Gulf Champs III
Gulf Champs III
LSST Gulf Champs I
CFSC Gulf Champs I
PACK Gulf Champs I
ESA Gulf Champs I
Mustang BB
NTN A Champs
MARS B/C Champs
COPS B/C Champs
South Texas A Champs
Jan Maresca Memorial
AAAA Gold/Silver/Bronze
Jesse Coon Memorial
Republic of Texas Pentathlon
DAM Spring
Introverts of the world,
She's got a great message for all those teachers & administrators that go overboard with "collaborative learning". You know the type, right? They "think" or "feel" they know what works in the classroom. Don't try undermining those folks with facts, right?
Stop the madness for constant group work...just stop it!
The City of Wichita Falls needs a pool supervisor. Job info is here (search "Recreation")
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