Edit: UIL just updated the event. Wall's back in. Putting him into the event meant another tie - for eighth call-up between Clifford and Lang. It looks like Clifford must have had a faster prelim time than Lang, as he's still listed and Lang's out.
As I posted the other day, ties are supposed to be broken using prelim times. Read more here.
In Region VI-4A, Kyle Rathgeb and Matt Wall tied for first in the 200 free. Both can be recognized as region champions, but Rathgeb advances as the automatic qualifier, as his prelim time (3rd, 1:45.37) was faster than Wall's (6th, 1:46.03). Good news for Wall, though. His 1:43.78 will very likely qualify him for a call-up.
Wall's not listed on the qualifier list, even though he appears to be eligible as one of the faster call-ups.
Pic was contributed by swim parent. He worked on 4A call-ups (region results were available) the old-fashioned way.
Finished the job in 24:32.67*!
And y'all thought the folks in Austin actually read this site...
*Watch time...pad didn't register finish..
So who gets the last spot? Looks like there was a tie with Lang and Clifford for the last call up. What a mess!
You know - at work when people get a new responsibility, sometimes we have them "shadow" the person they are replacing for a little while. This ensures they have the best possible "on the job" training. Maybe the UIL should have shadowed Ron this year and tried on their own next year. I feel sorry for the guy who has now had his emotions jerked back and forth. Let's all root for him at state!
Wall is on qualifier list now - was it revised?
clifford went 1:48.39 in prelims. lang's prelim time not shown on result. if someone wants to check commlink file, it should be there.
whichever had the quicker prelim time would advance.
if there prelim times were the same, i guess they flip a coin...
guess we just got out answer. new list of qualifiers shows clifford in and lang out.
guess they flip a coin: that is truely the actual rule. Personally I think they should go off the district time but that is not the rule currently.
What a disaster!
I am Lang's parent what a bummer for my swimmer. But fair is fair. Good luck to Clifford. My son will still get to go in another event. I am so proud of him. To bad that the UIL people where not more careful. I wonder how they would feel if they had a their own child see their name only to have it removed.
Lang was slower in the prelims than Clifford.
It humors me that the UIL took over so that would not be any mistakes. Typical
Good luck to wall he was the one that got added in. Swim fast make your parents proud!
And goodluck to Lang in his other event - we are not even in 4A but I'm sure this was heartbreaking.
what happened to the list that showed the region winners and the call ups, rather than just the "psyche" sheet format?
Agree that Ron or someone should offer their services to the UIL for next year. PLEASE for all concerned
ok, that's really funny. 24 minutes and even pad failure! hire this guy for the timing judge for state!
I hear there is another issue in the 4A boys 100 fly
DID SOMEONE HACK THE TISCA SITE? I went to check the regional results to see if I could figure out whether data exists to support these proported "rumors" and all of the links inside the district and regional results are broken and many of them are missing????
Another mistake in 4A girls 100Breast. Awesome job UIL !!!
And a mistake in the boys 100 back. that one looks corrected in the 3:47 pm update. Wow.
from the first list published to the 2/14 3:47 list there were changes in names in the boys 200 Free, Boys 100 fly, boys 100 breast, boys 100 back and girls 100 free. That's unbelievable.
And yet I'm sure the UIL will claim "success" that they were able to take over this task.
how do we change that? Does the TISCA board need to? I'm all for forward progress - but seriously, this was slow, painful and full of errors. The UIL director over swimming was clear she didn't know the sport of swimming. Who at the UIL would have been responsible for this? Did they pay Gloria or Frank to do it?
Ron was free, fast and accurate!
This whole thing has been a disappointment think about pulling my kid out of the drama of high school and going strictly USA swimming.
As I pointed out earlier on another post comment, there's a reason a lot of folks derisively refer to this august body as U-I-Hell.
Bet these messes get blamed on an unnamed intern!
Not working on Sunday's, tell that to any club coach who works 30 plus Sundays a year. This is typical when anything is "taken over" by a goverment-type organization. It will come in: over budget, late, and incorrect. You have to actually care..... Why did TISCA allow the uil to take over this important task??? The uil has always done there own "due dilegence" and come out with their list on about Tuesday. Ron's list usually hit the website Saturday night. Now they tell TISCA not to let Ron post his list.... Excuse me when did they obtain the "power" over TISCA???? The last time I checked, everyone had the "liberty" to do what they wanted to on the web as long as it did not disparage anyone else. Posting the correct pickup swimmers in a timely manner does not fall into the disparaging mode. What happened to TISCA standing up for the athlete?? Did they do it last year or the year before over the obviously incorrect calls on the relay take-off pads.... That would be NO. Where is the leadership???
Guess you got to generate more money to get more respect! Does the UIL not realize that Texas may be the best high school football and basketball state, but Texas also has the fastest and most depth in swimming than any other state...... It's official we should rent reliant stadium, build a Olympic pool than sell that "female dog" out!!!!
I've said this for some time - the papers could increase circulation by printing more about HS swimming... Think about it. They print loads about basketball but at the end of the day - how many people are involved in that sport vs. involved in swimming? Swimming wins 10 or 15 to 1.
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