Read the agreement here.
As you know, Title IX was originally all about equal opportunities, funding, facilities, etc. It has instead become a quota system. Attacks from proportionality advocates (lawyers) often push schools to dump men's programs.
While it's great that more opportunities will be available to Merrimack's female student/athletes, the men's programs are still not out of the woods.
Check out I.8.:
The College agrees that if, upon commencing the 2013-14 season, it has not met eighty-five percent (85%) of its recruiting goal for women's intercollegiate sports at that time, it will halt its recruitment for men's tier II and III sports until such time as its recruitment for women's intercollegiate sports reaches at least 85% fo the level outlined in this Agreement and/or the College can show that is is otherwise curing teh disparity fount during OCR's review at or before the timelines set forth in this agreement.
Anyone care to guess which men's sports could be on the chopping block in a couple of years? Hint: Foosball ain't likely a tier II or III sport.
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