Administrators at Delaware cited potential Title IX issues when the dumped men's running programs at the school. In truth, there was no Title IX complaint against the university's athletic department.
One former Blue Hen runner expressed his outrage here.
What will happen, however, is this: the University of Delaware will never receive another check from me. Ever. Not a penny, not a dime, not $100. Nothing.
Budget cuts at Maryland mean men's head track coach Andrew Valmon is working with his last Terp track team. Valmon happens to be Team USA's head men's track coach for the 2012 London Games. Read more here.
The $9+ million price tag to save the program is well over the actual amount needed to save it.
Valmon, who took over the Maryland program eight years ago, said he remains focused on recruiting and determined to save the program through fundraising efforts. The task, however, is enormous. The men’s track and field program — which includes indoor and outdoor track and cross-country — will have to come up with close to $9.5 million, the cost of preserving it as well as tumbling, according to the university. (Because of Title IX numbers requirements, track would only be salvaged in tandem with tumbling.)
Conservative Phyllis Schlafly doesn't mince words in her Feminists Target Boys' High School Sports post. Read it here.
Much research shows that males and females have different interest levels in sports, but the feminists claim that is “a stereotype” that can even be ruled “impermissible” under the Title IX law. Research and common sense are unlikely to deter feminist activists. They’ve made it clear time and time again that their real goal is not equal opportunities for women, but equal outcomes, regardless of whether most women desire that equal outcome or not. It is predictable that if boys sports are reduced, we will have more and more high school dropouts.
If the opportunities for females aren't available, a Title IX complaint is in order. That's what the law's all about.
If the opportunities are there - but gals aren't taking full advantage of them - proportionality is being used to reduce male participation. This misapplication of the law is being used to wipe out men's wrestling, gymnastics, swimming, and track.
We hear about gals kicking field goals and extra points for the foosball teams. No problem, right? Girls diving against the boys is fine with us, right?
Massachusetts high schools with girls' swim teams - but not boys' teams - are allowing the guys to swim in the girls' meets. Read all about it here.
Sarah Hooper, a senior at Needham High who is the fourth-fastest female entrant, finds the situation difficult to swallow.
“It’s really frustrating to see how athletic directors and school administrators aren’t doing anything,” she said. “They really aren’t advocating for us. I understand there isn’t an opportunity for these boys, but it infuriates me that they can’t combine two schools’ boys to create one team or have them compete in separate heats. The way it is now, the boys are taking recognition away from girls who have worked hard and deserve it.”
"I understand there isn't an opportunity for these boys..."
Yes, folks, it's all about opportunities.
I'd rather see these guys find a way to compete against other guys. It will be interesting to see how the M.I.A.A. finds a way out of this mess.
While we're on the subject of opportunities, don't forget what nutty Title IX activists are doing to opportunities for the guys.
Using proportionality to take D-I swimming opportunities away from males is wrong, but the Quota Crowd continues to push for the destruction of our sport.
Back to the Massachusetts girls' state swimming champs. Yes, the guys competed.
Yes, the media should report on coaches who victimize their athletes. It's tragic and these stories need to be told. I just wish some writers didn't seem so danged happy about it...
Crowded warm-ups can be dangerous. To improve safety, let's issue suits to "moving roadblocks" with this on the back:
Is that street called Saving Place Dr. because of the United Methodist Church on one corner or the Wal-Mart on another.
The City of Rowlett needs an athletics/aquatics supervisor. Info is here.
Liberals had some fun doctoring faces of conservatives like Gov. Perry:
Now it's time for a reality check, America. Happy y'all elected these clowns?
Looks like the joke's on all of us...
Coach/official hospitality at the North TISCA meet was excellent! Outside, there was a meet going on. Results are here.
Still holding out hope for a coaches' poll. The core group we figured to hear from responded, but that still leaves us a few short of ten coaches to do both 4A & 5A polls. Thanks to all who are "in", but unless we get a few more, it won't happen here. If you can help out - and haven't contacted me by comment or email yet - please let me know ASAP. Comment below or send an email.
TISCA fared much better than NISCA and ASCA in the "does membership meet your needs?" poll. Nearly two-thirds responded (65%) with at least "sometimes".
26% - Absolutely! 23% - Most of the time. 19% - Rarely. 16% - Sometimes. 13% - What's TISCA? 3% - Never.
If working toward a 4A division was a big factor in my receiving a lifetime achievement award, didn't we miss a couple? Two coaches who were instrumental in making the 4A state meet a reality are Patrick Henry and Matt Schneider. TISCA should be asking them for their ring sizes.
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Vincent Thomas "Vince" Lombardi
In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without passport; whereas virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers. Herman Melville
Any coaches having trouble with the recall button on a Seiko stopwatch? If so, it might be a very easy fix. The problem could be a bent metal strip inside. Years of use, pressing too hard, and/or dropping the watch may have bent the strip too much to make contact.
If that's the issue:
Use a small Phillips head screwdriver to carefully remove the back of the watch. Then, use a small flat head screwdriver to staighten the bent metal contact strip.
Don't bend it too far - just straighten it. You just want it to complete the circuit when you press your recall button.
Calling all quilters! Save all those old swim team shirts your kids have accumulated and put together something special for them when they "retire" from the sport.
Tech's football season ended Saturday, when the team lost 32-23 at Campbellsville University in Kentucky. The program will not resume next fall.
Head football coach Scott Tinsley, who took over the WVU Tech program in 2008, was surprised by the decision.
"I did not expect it," he said. "I'm still amazed that they're shutting down something that makes nearly a $1 million a year for the institution.
Sad they're losing their program, but claiming the program brings in nearly a million bucks annually is dishonest.
Somewhere along the line, athetic departments began calling football a "revenue" sport. By elimination, sports like swimming became known as "non-revenue" sports. After years of seeing the revenue/non-revenue labels, John Q. Public has accepted these lies as truth.
The fact is, only a handful of football programs bring in more money than they spend. Truth is, the net losses of most football programs far exceed those of "non-revenue" sports.
If athletic departments eliminated their so-called "revenue" sports, they'd save many times the amount they "save" by cutting "non-revenue" sports.
Scott Silverstein blogs on the loss of Maryland's men's track program here.
Jim Kehoe wandered around the track complex that carried his name, almost giddy. Clad in a colorful shirt and a straw hat to keep off the sun, he had the strut of a celebrity, which that day he was. After all, the ACC track and field championships had returned to Maryland in 1996 after an absence of many years, and the new facility holding the event was named after the former Terrapins track coach and athletic director.
Kehoe died last year at age 91. The program he built into a national powerhouse suffered a possible mortal blow Monday.
A Maryland commission recommended cutting eight teams to reduce the athletic department's multimillion dollar debt. Among those teams are three from the same program: men's cross country and indoor and outdoor track and field.
The Terps once were among the greatest track programs in the country. Maryland won every ACC title indoors and outdoors from 1956 to 1979 and produced one of the greatest collegiate runners ever. While at Maryland, hurdler Renaldo Nehemiah won three national titles and broke the world record.
The program has struggled in the past 20-plus years because of a lack of scholarships (mostly a result of Title IX), but dismissing it means eradicating a legacy. It's also somewhat of an embarrassment; current coach Andrew Valmon will lose half his athletes the same year he coaches the U.S. team that will compete at the 2012 Olympics in London.
So much for the University of Maryland's "27 sports, one team" motto.
By next fall, "19 sports, minus eight teams" might be a better fit.
Yesterday, Maryland announced they intend to dump men's and women's swimming after the current season. Swimming is just one of several sports targeted for elimination. Thanks for the heads up, BG. Read more here.
The statement went on to note that Wednesday marks the beginning of the early signing period for some sports (swimming among them). Given that the future of some of Maryland’s teams hinges on the panel’s recommendations, Maryland officials decided against mailing out letters-of-intent to high school prospects poised to commit to Maryland, unsure that they’ll be able to offer those sports.
“The well-being of all student-athletes is our primary concern,” Anderson’s statement read. “Holding the letters is the only responsible action until final decisions are made.”
Maryland wouldn’t be the first ACC school to drop swimming. Clemson did so last year.
According to Groseth, the number of Division I swimming teams has declined from 183 to 159 in recent years but has grown in Divisions II and III.
“As you see with all this conference [realignment], there is a growing number of athletic directors who are using athletic departments as a bottom-line business model — not as part of an overall education model,” Groseth said.
Maryland lists 24 men and 26 women on its swimming rosters.
Click on the pic to see their trademarked "27 Sports 1 Team" claim...
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville
All but one of the 78 Idaho school districts accused of violating laws meant to create equal opportunities for female athletes have been cleared of the allegations.
Don't be the one who shows up for this morning's warm-up an hour early - FALL BACK!!!
The YMCA of Metro Ft. Worth needs a Jack of All Trades. The successful candidate will be in charge of the aquatic, day camp, and teen programs. Contact Pamela Young
Lion Kingrecommendshighly recommends John Acuff's "Quitter".
I hated doing something I loved outside of work, feeling alive and engaged, only to have it all disappear the moment I walked through the door of my day job. I didn't hate the work per se. I liked my boss and the people I worked with. It wasn't that. I just hated that forty hours of my week didn't feel anything like the few hours of my weekend when life made sense.
I hated that my dreams had to go into hibernation every Monday morning. And so, like many other times in my life, I kept coming back to the same thought.
Rocker Tom Petty (voice of Elroy "Lucky" Kleinschmidt on King of the Hill) pokes fun at drug, alcohol, and even caffeine use in "Girl on LSD". Many of us non-druggies will laugh. If you're worried you might find it offensive, please don't listen here.*
Just in case you like to plan waaaaaaaaaay ahead, get out your 2013 calendars. The Sarasota YMCA will host the 2013 Pan American Masters Champs June 5-8 (pool events) and June 10 (open water). Read more here.
Lists of swimmers (through August) already qualified for 2012 USA Olympic Trials:
Work in education? Think you should be allowed to express your opinions, even if they are unpopular with your administration? Don't plan on staying on with Alamo Colleges for long:
Relations between administrators and faculty members haven't been helped by a newly instituted discipline policy for tenured faculty members under which someone could be punished for “disrespectful attitude towards a supervisor such as back-talk or grumbling.”
If you coach at an outdoor (heated) pool, do you know how lucky you are? Friday and Saturday morning you got to enjoy the steam rolling off the pool, stars, sunrise, and a beautiful morning. Those of us coaching from inside our boxes missed it all.
Interested in NCAA participation numbers? No? Couldn't care less? Okay, be that way! Just don't click here.
Since 1989, 220 women's swim teams have been added at Division I, II, & III schools. During that same period, 143 programs were lost, making the net gain for women 77 squads.
Meanwhile, the men have seen a net loss of three programs (176 adds and 173 cuts).
So what, you ask?
Division I men's swimming has taken a huge hit. While 18 D-I schools have added men's swimming in the last 20+ years, 69 have dumped it for a net loss of over fifty squads.
Care to discuss gender equity, anyone?
Any of you coaches stand on the deck sometimes and wonder if you're making even the slightest impact? Of course you are!
John Pittington and I stayed in touch after he left SCAT. When we sent Keith off to Monroe, Pitt often talked about "this kid" from Bay City. Keith never kept his opinions to himself, and that was a good thing. He looked out for his teammates and was a true leader for all. Many times, those points he'd make weren't what we wanted to hear - but they were what we needed to hear. That's one reason Keith Hill was one of my favorite swimmers to coach. I know Pitt felt the same way and would be very proud.
Wonder if television money's driving college conference realignments? Of course it is! Read more here.
Are there any State HS "Rankings" for Texas Swimming and Diving, like they have in many of the other UIL sports?
You should probably have Highland Park at the top of your girls' 4A list. They went toe-to-toe with defending state champs Frisco last month. Results are here.
Those Fighting Scot swim parents are pretty quick, too. They ran the fastest dual meet I'd ever seen. The only way to slow them down is to throw in a ten-minute five hundred freestyler!