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Feminists Hate Everything Masculine, by Phyllis Schlafly
I hope that one of the results of my new book The Flipside of Feminism will be to show the American people that the feminist movement was never about equality. It was always about interchangability, and when the facts of human nature are too overwhelming to make men and women interchangeable, feminists are determined to get rid of anything that is truly masculine.
A good example of feminist maliciousness toward men is the way they have used the power of Big Government in the Department of Education to abolish hundreds of men’s college sports teams, particularly the sports that are too masculine for women to play. I knew the congressional sponsor of Title IX, and she certainly did not plan it to be a sword to punish men or to enforce bean-counting quotas. She merely wanted equal opportunity for women. But the malicious feminists have used Title IX as a sword to force colleges to abolish hundreds of men’s athletic teams, so many, in fact, that they have discouraged large numbers of men from even attending college, and colleges are now nearly 60% women.
The anti-masculine efforts of the feminists is particularly evident in forcing the abolition of more than 450 college wrestling teams, one of the most masculine of all sports. The University of Nebraska at Omaha also just announced that it is dropping wrestling. The female athletics director at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro just announced that she is using Title IX to eliminate its wrestling team and cancel its wrestling camp scheduled for this summer. This University has fielded a wrestling team for 18 years, won a conference championship last year, and four of this year’s team have qualified to compete in the NCAA championships this year. The eliminating of wrestling isn’t a matter of money because there are only 35 wrestlers and two full-time coaches. It’s just a move to feed the anti-masculine meanness of the feminists.
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1 comment:
interesting article, Dan Howitt. New York.
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