They're probably correct.
In June, a mediator got involved and all parties seemed to reach an agreement that the school would make more than just facility improvements (see all they've agreed to here) and the players would drop their lawsuit.
Then greed kicked in.
It looks like the players want more than equality. They want big bucks.
They've ignored the advice of their attorney and have decided against signing the agreement that would bring about the changes they are supposed to be seeking.
Their attorney has asked to be excused from the case.
He must have thought the case was about equity.
Turns out it's about revenge and money.
Read more here.
They need to stop recruiting out of Colorado they have too many South Park Cows
Wanna hear a joke?...Womens rights
heres another
Why do women have shorter feet than men? So they can stand closer to the stove and sink.
just trying to start something to get me in trouble, right guys?
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