Rain delays in Ranger playoff games? No Sunday morning ride? Small prices to pay for drought relief, right?
On the subject of the Rangers, Joe Buck offered up this important stat during last night's game:
"He's hit half of those home runs here in Arlington."
What a shocker!!
Wait a minute...might it have something to do with the fact that half his games were played in Arlington, Joe?
Effective January 1, 2012, the WADA prohibited list is here.
Officials' clinics list is here. Look for a possible addition soon. Possibly this coming Saturday. If you'd like to set up a clinic, please contact Janet Ellis Cranmer
I'll bet Dr. Bernard Muir wishes he'd never heard of Title IX. Muir is the athletic director at the University of Delaware. He's dumping the men's track and cross country programs in a move he thought would help him with the Title IX quota crowd.
The move backfired. Now, he's dealing with Title IX discrimination claims from the men. Read more here.
Dr. Muir, if you need help don’t be afraid to ask. I’m sure that the alumni, student-athletes and supporters of UD men’s XC and T&F will be more than happy to send you more Title IX complaints to motivate you to do the right thing.
Training for the 2012 SC and/or LC USMS Nationals? Spring short course meet will be in Greensboro, North Carolina. Info is here. Summer long course will be in the Trials pool in Omaha, Nebraska. Info is here.
Halloween's only a few weeks away. Nightmares Fear Factory has posted pics from their past scare-a-thons. View them here.
...and that was before they got to the scary part...
The City of Austin needs an aquatic supervisor. Search their job postings here. Click on "Search Postings", then use job requisition number 069021.
KATY needs an assistant coach. Job is posted on ASCA site. Contact Troy Emmons
TCU vs. Centenary
ASA Open Water Collegiate Nationals
By Sarah Ann Loreth
2012 U.S. Open Standards
2012 Junior National Standards
If you missed the 2011 ASCA World Clinic and want to hear the presentations, they're available for just $0.99 each. Order here.
Still haven't filled out the Vasa Trainer survey? It's here.
A shakedown of Oregon public schools by the Title IX Quota Crazies has failed. Read more here.
Coos Bay Schools Superintendent Dawn Granger and her colleagues at about 60 other districts in Oregon received notice Monday that the DOE's Office for Civil Rights won't conduct an investigation into a massive Title IX complaint that included 100 Oregon high schools.
Morgan Smith, an attorney with the Oregon School Boards Association's Legal Services Department, said he talked with the OCR lawyer handling the complaint and was told there would be no investigation.
The news did not come as a surprise to local officials.
'I knew that it wasn't something that was probably going to get too far, just because so many schools were involved," Granger said.
But she also said local officials are satisfied they provide ample chances for girls to participate in sports.
Title IX requires that schools that receive federal funding provide equal opportunities for boys and girls.
'Having been in high school sports as long as I have, the opportunities are there," said Granger.
The Star-Telegram ran swim articles this past week!
One told the story of Texas River Shark swimmer Cody McCasland. Read it here.
Another featured Brian & Suzanne Dangelmaier of Arlington ISD. Read that here.
Took tomorrow's quote of the day from Bill Rose's latest contribution to Workout Wednesday on ASCA site. Great stuff!
Houston Red/White Results & Recap
Incarnate Word vs. Grand Canyon Relay Meet Men's Results & Women's Results
North Texas Green/White Results & Recap
Texas Women Orange/White Recap
Freddie Mercury sings about the Finis freestyle snorkel w/cardio cap:
1 comment:
yes, i know freddie's no longer with us...
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