By now, you regular readers are able to identify crappy writing when you see it. I do my best to provide you with a seemingly endless supply of examples.
If you're one of the Texas Swimming "regulars", you're (over) qualified to judge the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
In the Utica* Observer-Dispatch, Don Drumm writes that Competitive Cheer might just be the answer to Title IX's assault on men's swimming and wrestling.
He first points out the idiocy of applying a quota system to sports.
Does the government insist that an equal number of men and women be taking French, or playing in the orchestra?
How about nursing programs or elementary education?
The quota system has caused some colleges to drop worthwhile sports such as wrestling. But it’s gotten a little easier for athletic directors to cope. Some of them are counting cheer, predominantly female, as a competitive sport.
I think he's saying that competitive cheer might cut back on A.D.'s lying about roster numbers.
As competitive cheer grows, look for the girls and women to perform at fewer sports events and take their gymnastics and dance moves to shows and meets where they’re the main attraction.
I think Don's dreaming, but if it means men can once again swim and wrestle (not at the same time) in college, I'm all for it!
Here in the Metroplex there are two AM radio stations that are polar opposites.
On the political right is KSKY (660). Now that school's out, I catch a little of Dennis Prager now and then. The guy seems to make a lot of sense. Might want to pause Free Bird while you watch this:
On the left is Rational Radio (1360). You know the saying, right? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Even hard-line conservatives should listen now and then.
There's this promo they run occasionally. It's an exchange between show hosts from an actual broadcast. One guy's asking another if it would be the worst day of his life if his wife/girlfriend came home one day and told him she was pregnant. The guy replies that no, it wouldn't be the worst day of his life. Then someone chimes in "It would be the worst day of his life if she said she wasn't getting an abortion." They all cracked up. Ha-friggin'-ha...
Michael Phelps nearly took down Ian Crocker's 100 fly WR in Montreal:
Where to start? It's been a busy past few days, so updates have been impossible.
Who dreams up these studies...and who funds them? Researchers have discovered that breastfed babies are more likely to go to college than those raised on the bottle. Read more here.
Suit Wars has a post on the latest suit from Rocket Science Sports. Yes, it's on the FINA approved list. No, it won't be available until July. Read more here.
Y'all probably already know about Hill Taylor's:23.10 underwater back, right? Check out the video here. Reason for Eric Shanteau's DQ (1:01.22) in the 100 breast final? He wanted to try out one of the Jaked suits that's not on the FINA approved list. He fessed up before the swim, so it wasn't a big deal for officials to make the call. View that swim here.
Floswimming covered Senior Circuit #3. View videos from finals as well as several interviews here. Results are here.
Should bitterness be classified as a mental disorder? Read more here.
"They feel the world has treated them unfairly," says Dr. Michael Linden, a German psychiatrist who labeled the behavior. "It's one step more complex than anger. They're angry plus helpless."
Linden estimates that between 1% and 2% of the population is embittered, though he didn't specify whether that percentage increased during or immediately after the Bush years.
Liberals became bitter during the Bush years. Bitterness is now being labeled a mental disorder. Years ago, Michael Savage had it right when he said liberalism is a mental disorder.
Three families used Title IX to force a change that hundreds of players, coaches, and parents opposed. Read more here. Thanks Title IX!
Several rallies and protests have been staged against the season change, while many of the coaches and other PSAL officials continue to fight in hopes of having the decision overturned. However, according to Mr. Cushing, the opinions of the opposition have basically been ignored.
“They were receptive to three families but not to hundreds of families, it is just a mystery,” said the RKA teacher and coach, “The NYCLU does not do its homework and the DOE does not put up any kind of a fight, so now it all falls on the PSAL, the coaches and the schools to coordinate everything and find a way to make this mess work.”