Monday, September 02, 2024

Swimnerd Nate Tschohl

We chatted with the Swimnerd, Nate Tschohl recently.
Listen to SwimTalk A2B's Episode LV here


00:00:01 – Disclaimer & banter

00:02:55 – SwimNerd Live

00:03:43 – Introducing Nate Tschohl

00:04:20 – Kickstarter

00:05:02 – Social media

00:06:26 – Inside w/Brett Hawke

00:11:15 – OD:  The Ol’ Dirty

00:15:19 – The Big Swim Nerd

00:17:35 – Coach Nerd

00:19:17 – Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL

00:28:01 – Recovery

00:30:02 – What’s new at SwimNerd?

00:37:00 – Splits/Times Top Secret?

00:38:23 – Pace clock idears

00:41:10 – Scoreboards:  Not just for meets!

00:45:09 – Needs more cowbell?

00:45:58 – Why green numbers?

00:48:15 – Blogging

00:50:00 – Rare artifacts

00:51:45 – Water safety

00:54:17 – Keeping kids alive

00:58:15 – Drowning Support Network

01:00:08 – All politics is local

01:00:52 – Plato:  A man is not learned until…

01:01:29 – Adding Capital to Young Australians

01:02:46 – Splash Pads replacing pools?

01:03:38 – Wrapping it up


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