When the people are being beaten with a stick, they
are not much happier if it is called the People's Stick.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
Hey Bob, You'll Love This!
Danny Huffman “swim coach” strikes a child not once but multiple times during practice!
What would you do if a hard working respectful high school athlete approached you before practice to share that they were experiencing significant knee pain? Would you listen?
Danny Huffman didn’t. Instead he took a page from the script of the movie Major Pain. The student told Coach Huffman that his knee was swollen and he was experiencing a lot of pain. Coach Huffman responded by saying, “stick out your left hand” and slapped the student on the top of the hand (harder than you would expect). Coach Huffman then said, “does your knee still hurt”. The confused student looked at Coach Huffman and told him it did. So, Coach Huffman told the student to stick out his other hand and smacked him on the back of the other hand much harder. Coach Huffman then said, “get your ass in the water and do your workout”.
The student tried, but the LCL sprain was painful enough that the student eventually knew that it was wrong to continue the aggressive fins kick set that was assigned. The student swam to the other end of the pool and left practice.
Danny Huffman has now been on Administrative Leave for over 6 weeks, and has recently shared with anyone who will listen that he will back soon, that every parent who reported him will be banned from the pool, that coaches who supported the student will be transferred away from the building, that his administrators are 100% on his side, and that he now has more authority in the school district than ever.
As someone close to this situation, its not fake and this is only one of the recent incidents, not even mentioning his previous quarrels with parents, coaches, and swimmers.
Danny Huffman coacheS with intimidation and fear, and that is on a good day.
It was odd when her started telling my daughter that the girls from the other schools where ugly. It was odder when he started telling my daughter how talented and PRETTY she was. By the way she was slower than all the other girls. The day he called her into a private closed door meeting, kicked his shoes off,talked to her about how much mature she was than other high school girls, and said they should just hang out more often, we where out!
Danny Huffman intended to to take advantage of my child. Protect your daughters & apparently your sons too.
It is ashame that we keep allowing this to happen. We should know better. Jerry Sandusly, Larry Nassar it happens. If we give him the opportunity Danny Huffman will be as bad or worse. Keep this pervert away from your sons and daughters!
The reported actions by Coach Huffman are absolutely infuriating and disgusting. Physical harm and dismissive behavior towards a student's injury go against the very principles that should be upheld in the swim community. It's disheartening to see someone in a position of authority act so recklessly, and violating the ethical standards and guidelines set by USA Swimming. I whole heartedly hope this horrendous action never ever occurs to anyone else and I really hope this man isn’t allowed to coach.
Hopefully the above statement about having private meeting behind closed doors with Coach Danny is false, if not and its true, You need to take it to USA's safe sport. That is a major violation of Safe Sport. It is why it exist to protect swimmers from this. If what you said above is true, you need to report it.
Coach Huffman also aggressively yelled at me during a AAC meet, telling me "why are you walking so slow go hurry be faster" right up behind me not to mention another situation where someone I know and their friends were late to practice, they were Mexican but 2 were dark skinned and the other was light skinned. He yelled loudly at the 2 dark skinned ones but only told the light one to calmly to go change. I've also seen him be He's aggressive, pedophilic and racist god he's worse than the previous coordinator...
I'm glad we're all ripping on that disgusting asshole because I'm so sick of him getting away with it. We were doing weight room once and one of my friends noticed he was in the room on the other side of the window that's in the weight room just sitting there in the dark.. watching us.. it really freaked me out but I felt like I couldn't say much of anything I really hope that disgusting maggot doesn't come back.
I signed both of my children up for AISD’s summer swim program last summer, which Mr. Huffman was in charge of. I registered both of my children at the same time to participate in the first meet. When I received the heat sheet via email, I discovered my daughter was on it, but my son was not. I emailed the Swim Coach to let them know, but they did not respond. When we arrived at the Natatorium for the meet, I stepped just inside the pool deck door to try to get someone’s attention to let them know. A woman let Mr. Huffman know. He then approached me and very curtly said “you must not have signed up”. I explained to him that I signed both kids up at the same time, so I wasn’t sure what happened. He then told me to “step outside and a coach would come speak with me”. I then stepped outside the main door of the pool deck into the corridor between the two sets of doors. The coach walked out to speak with me, and I started to explain to her what was going on. At that point, Mr. Huffman walked aggressively towards me, got very close to me with his finger pointed near my face, and shouted, “I told you to get outside”. I responded, “I am outside.” He then shouted, “BOTH SETS OF DOORS”. I calmly said, “Well I’m sorry you didn’t say that.” He then started yelling and said, “Don’t roll your eyes at me or I will get your kid and you will both leave!” He then asked me my name in an intimidating manner. I then calmly said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not 12, you don’t need to talk to me like that”. And then he yelled, “well you aren’t going to talk to me like that!” (Which I have no idea what he was talking about, to this point all I had done was calmly try to explain that my son wasn’t on the heat sheet, and I was being polite because I was trying to figure out a way my child could still swim.) He then turned to the security guard and very loudly said, “No parents on the pool deck. This is why parents aren’t allowed on the pool deck, because THIS is how they act”. I think he was trying to embarrass me, but he only embarrassed himself, and AISD. I pulled my kids from the program, because any Coach who is going to treat a parent that way, will also treat the kids that way, and apparently that is now what has happened. This was all reported.
Sorry that happened. Summer league swimming can be a c.f. for everyone involved. Since AAC was running it, its very easy to add a summer in, regardless of who made the mistake. The mistake is not the a concern, fixing it is. I work as an AO for USA Swimming and we do this all of the time, add a swimmer into meets when some mistake has happened. Its a normal process, more so at B/C level swim meets.
I was actually sitting in the lobby when this happened this summer and unfortunately the commenter isn’t telling the whole truth. She was yelling at a female coach before Huffman stepped in. She continued to yell at Huffman being VERY disrespectful to both coaches. The commenter made a scene. Huffman ended it. It honestly looked like a Karen-like rant.
It's unfortunate but not surprising to see one of the coaches in his "circle" defending him, given their track record of turning a blind eye to various issues or engaging in negative conversations about others. It is also discomforting to note the numerous accounts of people who have had negative experiences with Huffman. The fact that his goal seems to be to drive out anyone who has previously reported or had issues with him speaks volumes about his character. It raises concerns about the future of AAC's, and AISD Swimming's culture and environment.
They need to get rid of Danny and hire someone who can build the swim program in Arlington. This is so sad and as a tax payer I hope they can get their shit together and build a strong healthy program. Teaching kids to swim saves life’s.
My Daughter started w/JH in 2022. She loved it. Coach Dolberry was so nice to her. She loved all of the coaches. We did sprint training group over the summer and loved that. Afterward we signed up for club. We loved Coach Maddie then Coach Matthew, and my daughter was always so incredibly excited when she showed up and realized Coach Eric was coaching her group. The stands were in a high frenzy when Coach Eric was coaching. Everyone knew whoever he coached was about to experience something special.
Now my daughter is beat down. It’s not just her, it is at least 4 out of 5 of AAC swimmers. My daughter wanted to quit, but 1st we decided to go to a high school meet where we saw Coach Dolberry’s students smiling and happy, Coach Matthew’s students smiling and happy, Coach Weidemann’s swimmer happy and going fast, and Coach Eric’s swimmer laughing the whole time and going so fast. The whole time Coach Huffman, Coach Bekah, and the secretary, Jamie, seemed crazy angry. Why are we giving control to outside coaches who are angry instead of AISD coaches who students are happy and fast?
If all these stories are true… and I know at least one is…. And you haven’t said anything to the people who can do something about it… then ranting about it here is pointless… do something!
Concerned Arlington Parent, You are right but we have tried for over a year and been constantly shut down. Posted our stories collectively and publicly is doing something
This infuriates me. As a former swim parent we had the displeasure of being there during the previous “COVER UP” where there were no real consequences for that incident. Now, I hope that the district does the right thing by not allowing this egotistical, power hungry, prick to return. I know for a fact, had any of this happened to my child, I would have received the phone call about him punching Coach Douchebag in the face for that. It is now time to step up & be the voice for your children. If you haven’t already emailed the AISD Athletic Director Eric White, I suggest that first. Next step is to attend the school board meetings with your children. Their voices need to be heard just as much, if not more. If the district doesn’t get their act together & do something more about this, they will start losing more & more swimmers. Then word will get around and nobody will want to be a part of a team that gets “BULLIED”
This sounds like it’s all coming from a small handful of swim kids who were either kicked off the team or were reprimanded for something. I’m aware as a parent of two swimmers of issues with kids and their parents trying to do everything possible to bring coach Huffman down because they couldn’t abide by his high expectations. Showing up on time and working hard is necessary for an exceptional program. Some kids think it’s ok to sleep in the parking lot and then once discovered retaliates because the coach had his safety and well-being in mind. My kids have loved this program and can say only great things. They are amazing swimmers thanks to Coach Matt, Coach Eric, Coach Huffman and Coach Bekah. They are comfortable talking to their coaches and getting feedback a life skill that I didn’t have at their age. They respect the need to show up early and work for the entire practice. AAC is lead by a great coach.
As for the hand slap issue. He gave the high five to a high school boy who has been hell bent on bringing Huffman down since day one because someone said no to him.
For those that have zero relationship to the club please know that not everything in print in the internet is true and that there is more than one side to the story.
It is insane to me that you spend your adult lives making up stories on blogger. Huffman has been my coach for about at year and a half and is by far the best coach we’ve ever had. At the beginning of my freshman year, I was in the slow lanes and a nobody in the district. By districts, I was not only prepared to swim but excited, because even though his practices were hard, they all payed off. I wound up being a district champ and region finalist. At first he was difficult to like because he wasn’t playing around, and we really wanted to impress him, because we knew he created state champs. Before he was put on leave, we had really started to enjoy having him as a coach. He would tell us stories about his kids and really wanted to help us become not just good swimmers, but also hard working people. His biggest issue is when people don’t have good work ethic. He never gets mad at us as long as we are trying as hard as we can. The people who have an issue with him are either lazy, disrespectful at times, or just listening to whatever stories people tell.
This is a vague statement since you aren’t bring any additional information to the table. He’s a great coach who has helped my kid do better at stokes, distances, and times. He is dedicated and hard working and expects the same out of his swimmers.
This student was a high school boy and received the equivalent to a high five. And an adult telling him to get back to work because that’s what’s expected from members of his team. If you are injured go home.
There are zero facts in this post. It’s just a fear tactic posted by a parent or swimmer who couldn’t accept that they aren’t on the team. Coach Huffman is a great coach who cares for the safety and wellbeing of each swimmer
As an AAC parent I can say he runs a well organized and safe swim club. It’s interesting how people just believe anything posted on the internet as though it were fact. A small handful of students are causing this ugly uproar because he said no to them.
Coach Huffman was building a great program but parents and kids don’t like to be told they need to be on time and work hard. My children have gotten a lot out of this program because we get their on time and work.
If she’s beat down then swimming might not be her thing. My swimmers are happy and love swimming for Coach Bekah. Lots of chatting and laughter from her and the swimmers. I hear the same from my older swimmer who swims with Coach Huffman. He’s personable and funny. He tells jokes, stories about his kids and asks them about their lives. All the coaches are doing a great job.
Yet, when a swimmer does stay home because of an illness or an injury, they are then told they should have still come to practice to prove that they really want to be there. I’m sorry but you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Since when has grooming become an excepted part of ANY curriculum? How do we know that this parent hasn’t reported it? I personally know that no matter how many times you report things to the district they don’t always report things and it just gets swept under the rug, so as to not taint their reputation. Well guess what, this is doing a fine job of that instead.
My name is Lee Miller, I have been a swim parent for 18 years, plus high swim parent for 8 years (three kids through high school and college swimming). All my kids swim / swam at Arlington High. This is part of what I sent off to the district and directors.
At the start of the 2023 / 2024 swim season, the AISD coaches were told By Danny Huffman, they are only allowed to have 2 dual meet competitions each at our facility. These competitions will each include 4 AISD teams, so that there are only 4 total days that he must be at the pool for high school swim meets. According to Coach Huffman this is because "it is bullshit" (that’s a direct quote) that he had to be at the pool 13 times last year. We have personally talked with coaches and parents in Mansfield, Fort Worth, Grapevine, Keller, Southlake/Carroll, and Grand Prairie. These teams, on average, have 7 to 8 dual meets per year, plus many of these teams will also host 2 to 3 large invite meets at their home pools each season. In addition, many of these teams also have one day per week set aside to run high school swim meets at their home pools. This usually runs from October - January. This is three times the total number of dual meets allowed by Coach Huffman. Prior to Coach Huffman becoming the aquatics director, each team had a total of seven to eight home swim meets. Last year, Coach Huffman’s first year, those numbers dropped to four to five home swim meets per team, and now he has further reduced that this year to two home dual meets.
In November, all the AISD teams finished with all their home dual meets, which is barely halfway through the traditional swim season. There will be one more swim meet in January which comprises of all the six high school teams, but that is it for the year. These conditions severely affect an athlete’s ability to get better and grow as swimmers; to be seen by recruiters; to compete for district, regional, and state titles. Danny Huffman’s lack of concern for the athletes of this and other districts should be a warning. The Arlington Aquatics Center is one of the newest and most advanced aquatics centers in North Texas. The AAC is being underutilized compared too much smaller sized recreation center pools. This in turn harms the growth and future of our athletes, and their ability to take advantage of their time in High School to get ready for the next step in their education and athletic endeavors.
And as an AAC parent, you were there when this incident, or any incident for that matter, has occurred? So you personally witnessed any of these happenings? Because I sure would hope as a parent, if you personally did not witness this, that you are not teaching your children it’s ok to make someone feel like the actions that were made against them really didn’t happen and they madder then it to be bigger than they really are. That is the reason people do not use their voice anymore, because of people like you!
Observing the weight room is one thing, doing it in the dark is another. If that would have been someone’s home and their window, they would be called a peeping Tom or a pervert, so explain to me what’s the difference
Since Coach Huffman is on Admin Leave it is probably safe to assume that at least one parent reported. Perhaps, we should not insinuate it wasn't reported.
1. How many good things does a coach have to do for other swimmers to make it acceptable for him to strike your child just once or twice?
2. How many good things does a coach have to do in order to let him get away with having one closed door meeting with your daughter?
3. If the coach is really nice to your white female children and they like him is it okay for him to be aggressive to males or children of other races?
Most coaches banned from USA Swim had many adults and children on their side Most coaches banned from school work had many adult and children on their side Sandusky had many adults and children on his side Nassar had many adult and children on his side.
Because it did not happen to your child does not mean it did not happen
By definition comparisons are not slanderous even if you disagree with them.
Without merit regards perspective and insight. Every facility built since 2000 has a camera on every square inch. If he doesn't return the cameras saw things that could not be denied (iinsight).
Six weeks suggest the cameras have seen some things.
Or am I reading you wrong? Are you saying Sandusky and Nassar are much cooler than Danny Huffman?
There are a lot of accusations going around on here, it seems there are conflicting opinions on what might be true what might be false…. Here’s some facts…. Danny Huffman has repeatedly been reported to District HR for various, issues with Parents, Coaches, and swimmers. The original incident at the start of this blog was witnessed by multiple coaches, swimmers, parents, and CAMERAS. The student involved didn’t say anything about it to anyone (almost until it was to late), until he was told to by a teacher who saw what happened, it’s not the first time Danny Huffman has been unprofessional in his interactions with a variety of individuals surrounding AAC and the district. I agree with the post that outlined that there are always going to be supporters and detractors when dealing with a group. But saving 5 people’s lives does not absolve unjustly killing one individual. Danny Huffman has PROVEN over and over to be unprofessional, unstable, and bitter. He dismisses anyone who has a different opinion. He has directly sought to ruin the careers of district employees, with the intent to hire his own personal friends in there place, he has confiscated the booster funds from the individual schools for his own personal benefit, he has pushed for fewer swim meets at the Arlington Natatorium so in his own words “I don’t need to be here that much, it’s bullshit”…. The District doesn’t put someone on Administrative Leave for 7 weeks for nothing. The District has interviewed every coach, HS swim team, and many parents. They have looked through the camera footage, and been as though as they’ve ever been. Whatever the out come I think it will be as fair as they can be, but know this… no matter what happens, Danny Huffman’s return WILL have only a negative impact on Arlington swim.
Oh and the other coaches did go to other dual meets in the metroplex, the point is, if Arlington ISD wants to grow thier program they need to host as many meets as is possible, but Danny Huffman is lazy, and doesn’t want to put in the time outside of AAC that it takes to build the program properly.
It would be an AO from a competing club, with very close ties to the previous and likely disgruntled coordinator, on here trying to paint the new coordinator and head coach of AAC in a bad light. Makes sense.
I am an Admin Official (AO) with Mid-Cities Arlington (MARS). I do have close ties with the previous Aquatic Director. I even consider them close friends. However you seem to forgot, I worked all of the swim meets at the AAC with the exception of one. I have spent many hours working swim meets at the AAC for high school and USA club. I am not going to support Danny, when he retaliate against his coaches who opened HR complaints against him. He cut the number of high school swim meets at AAC to 1/3 from the prior AD. The AAC is a top notch natatorium in North Texas and is grossly under utilized. There should be swim meets for both High School or Club happening at minimum 2 to 3 times per month at the AAC. I am using data from pools around the area like Mansfield, Grapevine, and Fort Worth. Swimming is a year around sport, with only a few small breaks between seasons. Seeing a pool like AAC not being used to its fullest potential is just sad.
Danny also withheld fundraiser monies from the AISD invite swim meet, stating that money was his to spend. That has been a major fundraiser for the AISD swim teams for many years. This problem was reported to HR last spring, the high schools eventually got the 2022 AISD invite monies in Sept 2023. We are now dealing with the same issue for the 2023 invite monies being withheld.
I hope that the district takes into consideration, not only the swimmers that have been affected by his actions now, but the future of the district. Keeping Huffman on could discourage anyone from wanting to be a part of an amazing program. Regardless of whether or not my son decides to participate on the swim team, I want to know that he will be safe and protected.
This whole thing is sad, Danny Huffman could have been the catalyst for great things in AISD, but his chosen actions have been very disappointing. What I have seen and heard is that there is way more negative surrounding him than positive, and if the District isn’t careful it could mean years of chaos.
Actually you’re incorrect as well, but not surprised since you failed to do your research.
Since this is a blog it has nothing to do with slandering someone or comparing one to another by definition.
I should have used Liable “ Defamation includes slander and libel. Libel is the act of defaming another person through writings, such as newspapers, other publications, articles, blogs or social media. You and others are comparing that Huffman is like the others. That is an attack against his character without proof that he is just like the others.
You have made a number of Assumptions in your post not backed with facts. 1 camera locations, your example. They can’t see everything due to invasion of privacy laws . 2 time that he has been Has nothing to that he is guilty your making another assumption. 3. Then you trying to add that snide and misleading comment at the end. Is nothing but a coward of a move to deflect with the “cool comment” those 2 idiots got what they deserved. And everyone in the world knows that. But your feelings must have been hurt, with my general comment so you felt you had to try and lash out irrationally with your hostility.
Soo I just read through all the comments to get feel for what’s being said, I read one post accusing a swimmer of being against Danny Huffman from the start…. And then relating several stories in a way that would mitigate how Danny Huffman handled them. I’d like to clear things up, since I am very aware of the circumstances. I know about the incident the poster used of “sleeping in the car”, the swimmer was not sleeping in the car, they were doing their homework. Danny Huffman had been told repeatedly that the swimmers academics took precedent over club, with the added fact that Danny Huffman had absolutely no authority in the matter, there was no reason for him to contact the student, and yelling at them did him no favors. That swimmer was there to possibly pick up someone else swimming there, and doing his home work at the same time. And the matter of a high five is ludicrous, the slap from Huffman was confusing, unwanted, unneeded, and unprofessional. And the swimmer didn’t say anything to anyone until adults that were on the deck at the time told the swimmer to say something. As for the swimmer wanting it easy and being lazy…. They get up every morning at 5am and take themselves to swim, they go to school all day and then go back every afternoon, unless school takes precident, and swims more, then goes home and does more homework, that doesn’t sound lazy to me. Maybe this clears things up for those not trying to protect a tyrant.
Well it looks like AISD aquatics has lost another Director 2 in less than 5 years. How are we going to fill this position with this track record going forward. Who is going to want to be the Director. Hey maybe some of those people commenting in this blog, should apply, they seem to qualified based on the knowledge they have been puking 🤮 out of their traps. Who would want it, you have given into coaches, parents, swimmers, HR, AD, oh don’t forget they can’t have ideas based on the experience that they would have to bring to the table. They would have to oversee HS coaches, lifeguards, swim club, summer program, budget, facilities. And be involved with hiring. Meet schedules HS/Club. Parents and work on growing the club program. Oh and the outstanding 3rd grade swim program.
Sounds like in every way, and with every category of people involved that our last Director failed to conduct himself professionally. Seems like there was not an area he didn’t struggle in. Maybe if he had worked with people instead of being a tyrant he might still be around. I don’t like the way some of the information on this blog has been presented, and I’m positive some of it is hyperbole, but there were a lot of problems here. As to someone around the situation applying for the job, I’ll do it, at least you’d get someone that would act like a professional. A truly professional person will want this job. I know several people that could and would be an inspiration in this capacity…. I just have to convince them to leave the perfect situation they are in….
Danny it’s wonderful to see that you understand that Cole is smart enough to present the case of what happened to him so well. But since I told him to stay off this blog, your guess is wrong. This is Joel Thomas, Cole’s father, and have been involved with all of this for well over a year. I know without a doubt the exact circumstances and outcomes of every situation Involving Cole and I’ve laid them out here truthfully and without hyperbole, as some have done. Danny, Cole is already on his way to taking the advise you just gave, despite your actions during his senior year. Despite your arrogance, laziness, and tyrannical behavior. Despite the lack of swim meets to have coaches come see him swim at (several of them were stunned that there were not more), Cole will be swimming in college at a very good program. He will very definitely get his degree and “do something with his life”. He will do great things! Far surpassing either of us. I do want to thank you Danny for one thing, thank you for giving me so many teachable moments with Cole, he has learned soooo much on how NOT to act and interact with people, how to be professional, and responsible. Your lack of understanding of the proper way to lead people is staggering. You’re a boss not a leader, you wield a cudgel and expect people to follow. Leaders lead people, people in charge have to follow behind and drive with fear and intimidation. You are the latter. I hope you’ve come to a place where you can see and change, but I doubt it. As the next blog poster said “how do you not see”. I tried to bring to your understanding in several of those times we talked about the situations with Cole the right way to handle them, and the understanding of the limits you had, and the proper way to coach young people, you even had some of the best examples around you, but you pushed it all away in arrogance. Good bye, Good luck, and God’s speed. One last parting statement, you’d still have a job if there wasn’t 3 weeks of evidence of your actions to go through.
Anyone defending Huffman has got to be brain dead because there's been so many witnesses and people saying what's been going on there's no reason to lie about someone "good" especially since he's only been here a year and a half...
Do you realize how intensely the coaching world demands that all things be handled in house?
These are all things that an observant parent or student would have seen. If this is what got out, what didn't is 10 times as bad. This place has to have been hell for any of Danny's subordinates who tried to do what was right.
This is about protecting students, but we have to empower the good people who work within a broken system to do just that. Those who shared what they needed to did the right thing. Those who kept their mouths shut are a part of the problem.
If the parent meeting proved anything it was that Danny treated 3 15 year old girls exceptionally well and everyone else exceptionally bad. I think the people who should be most concerned are the parents of the 3 girls he treated so well!
If you keep tracking back you’ll find the same problems in Mansfield and before that and Tennessee. He’s become more egregious at every turn. Before that, he had difficulties as a jailer for being to aggressive and demeaning.! How did he end up working with children?
A Tyrant will always be a tyrant….. and if history has taught us anything, there are people who will support tyrants. But in the end the character of a man will be revealed. The man has the live with that, the farther he goes, the more he reveals. Be at peace Bekka, Cole knows what’s important, his academics come first, before club swim. So sitting in the parking lot doing homework wins in the end, doesn’t matter why, he was doing what he was suppose to. The fact that he is once again a happy and thriving High Schooler says a lot. I have my happy son back…. No thanks to the Tyrant!
Danny is now attempting to spread false information about AISD programming, going so far as to call his former club families and tell them that all the coaches are making lies up and disseminating them through ISD families
The saddest thing is that all His focus should be on securing a future for his children instead of making sure the families of 15 year old girls think he’s still cool.
Th second saddest is that a few (very few) of the parents believe his lies
He will do everything he can to cause all of the devision and destruction possible, and he takes joy in it. He is deeply troubled and doesn't want to be fixed.
In the past 2 weeks Danny has initiated multiple false complaints to the UIL against coaches and swimmers that he thinks are against him. He has pretended to be a parent and called to complain to AISD about swim coaches. He has posted false reports on AISD social media swim sites. He is on ring camera catching a bag of poop on fire on a coach's porch. (The coach has reluctantly gone to the police.) What else has he done?
Healthy people don't have enemies everywhere they look. Healthy 50 year olds aren't burning bags of poop on people's porches. Danny Huffman has 3 or 4 people who still support him. If you are one of them, please try to get him into therapy.
This is bad for everyone. I pray for you if you are a parent who supports Coach Huffman and has children who swim for him. We need to find help for him but not at the expense of your children. Your children are first. Don't see things out at their expense. Move them to an established program now, and give them the best chance.
Pray for the broken. Provide the best opportunity for your children. Harm none. Help all.
This is completely right. Don't try to hurt others, but realize that if a coach isn't mature enough to realize that your child needs high level training with high level swimmers then that coach isn't mature enough to coach your child. A high level junior high or high school swimmer has just a few years left and needs to be a part of a mature program. Any program that is going to be great will understand and support this while they build a foundation with the youngest swimmers and turn their program into a mature program.
It doesn't matter how good the coach is, older swimmers will be long gone before even the best program is what they needed
True - you want to be good to people, but the coach is an adult who is being paid as a professional. They're feelings shouldn't get hurt. Even if they do, it should be what is best for your child first. The coach is still getting paid. their feelings shouldn't keep you from doing the best by your child.
Danny got really drunk about 6 months ago and told everyone at the bar that he once put on full camo and put sugar in Bob’s gas tank in the middle of the night
I wonder if Pearland has realized their mistake yet. Danny can only behave for a couple of months before his delicate little ego has to try and take advantage of somebody who is vulnerable.
It is ashame that some of this continues. The swimmers had to watch As Rebekah Welch was escorted of the pool deck by security during the district meet. She was not a coach at the meet.
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet, was trying to coach our children, and had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet and was interacting with our children, had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet and was interacting with our children, had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
What is happening, if you post the red head coach's name it automatically deletes the thread!!!!!
The red headed female coach who no longer works for the district snuck onto the pool deck and was being weird with the kids during district champs and had to be escorted out by security. Then she showed up again on Monday AM and trying to hand out with the kids and had to be asked to leave the premises again!!
It is disgusting that Rebekah Welch had to be escorted off the pool deck at district after sneaking in then snuck into to visit the kids again on Monday morning
I noticed that too. Wondered if person posting had deleted themselves. When I went back to check, it looks like Blogger was labeling them spam. I will fix and remove the spam label.
Hey Bob, You'll Love This!
Danny Huffman “swim coach” strikes a child not once but multiple times during practice!
What would you do if a hard working respectful high school athlete approached you before practice to share that they were experiencing significant knee pain? Would you listen?
Danny Huffman didn’t. Instead he took a page from the script of the movie Major Pain. The student told Coach Huffman that his knee was swollen and he was experiencing a lot of pain. Coach Huffman responded by saying, “stick out your left hand” and slapped the student on the top of the hand (harder than you would expect). Coach Huffman then said, “does your knee still hurt”. The confused student looked at Coach Huffman and told him it did. So, Coach Huffman told the student to stick out his other hand and smacked him on the back of the other hand much harder. Coach Huffman then said, “get your ass in the water and do your workout”.
The student tried, but the LCL sprain was painful enough that the student eventually knew that it was wrong to continue the aggressive fins kick set that was assigned. The student swam to the other end of the pool and left practice.
Danny Huffman has now been on Administrative Leave for over 6 weeks, and has recently shared with anyone who will listen that he will back soon, that every parent who reported him will be banned from the pool, that coaches who supported the student will be transferred away from the building, that his administrators are 100% on his side, and that he now has more authority in the school district than ever.
What does the swim world think about this?
no, i don't love this!
if true, bad for the kid, the program, and our sport.
hoping this is "fake news"!
As someone close to this situation, its not fake and this is only one of the recent incidents, not even mentioning his previous quarrels with parents, coaches, and swimmers.
I can verify everything in the story. It happened just as the article has stated. We’ll see about Danny Huffman.
Huffman needs to stick to the all you can eat buffet and stop coaching swim
Danny Huffman coacheS with intimidation and fear, and that is on a good day.
It was odd when her started telling my daughter that the girls from the other schools where ugly. It was odder when he started telling my daughter how talented and PRETTY she was. By the way she was slower than all the other girls. The day he called her into a private closed door meeting, kicked his shoes off,talked to her about how much mature she was than other high school girls, and said they should just hang out more often, we where out!
Danny Huffman intended to to take advantage of my child. Protect your daughters & apparently your sons too.
This man is messed up!!!!
It is ashame that we keep allowing this to happen. We should know better. Jerry Sandusly, Larry Nassar it happens. If we give him the opportunity Danny Huffman will be as bad or worse. Keep this pervert away from your sons and daughters!
Anonymous…. Have you said anything to the District?
The reported actions by Coach Huffman are absolutely infuriating and disgusting. Physical harm and dismissive behavior towards a student's injury go against the very principles that should be upheld in the swim community. It's disheartening to see someone in a position of authority act so recklessly, and violating the ethical standards and guidelines set by USA Swimming. I whole heartedly hope this horrendous action never ever occurs to anyone else and I really hope this man isn’t allowed to coach.
Hopefully the above statement about having private meeting behind closed doors with Coach Danny is false, if not and its true, You need to take it to USA's safe sport. That is a major violation of Safe Sport. It is why it exist to protect swimmers from this. If what you said above is true, you need to report it.
Coach Huffman also aggressively yelled at me during a AAC meet, telling me "why are you walking so slow go hurry be faster" right up behind me not to mention another situation where someone I know and their friends were late to practice, they were Mexican but 2 were dark skinned and the other was light skinned. He yelled loudly at the 2 dark skinned ones but only told the light one to calmly to go change. I've also seen him be He's aggressive, pedophilic and racist god he's worse than the previous coordinator...
I'm glad we're all ripping on that disgusting asshole because I'm so sick of him getting away with it. We were doing weight room once and one of my friends noticed he was in the room on the other side of the window that's in the weight room just sitting there in the dark.. watching us.. it really freaked me out but I felt like I couldn't say much of anything I really hope that disgusting maggot doesn't come back.
He scares ne
I signed both of my children up for AISD’s summer swim program last summer, which Mr. Huffman was in charge of. I registered both of my children at the same time to participate in the first meet. When I received the heat sheet via email, I discovered my daughter was on it, but my son was not. I emailed the Swim Coach to let them know, but they did not respond.
When we arrived at the Natatorium for the meet, I stepped just inside the pool deck door to try to get someone’s attention to let them know. A woman let Mr. Huffman know. He then approached me and very curtly said “you must not have signed up”. I explained to him that I signed both kids up at the same time, so I wasn’t sure what happened. He then told me to “step outside and a coach would come speak with me”. I then stepped outside the main door of the pool deck into the corridor between the two sets of doors. The coach walked out to speak with me, and I started to explain to her what was going on. At that point, Mr. Huffman walked aggressively towards me, got very close to me with his finger pointed near my face, and shouted, “I told you to get outside”. I responded, “I am outside.” He then shouted, “BOTH SETS OF DOORS”. I calmly said, “Well I’m sorry you didn’t say that.” He then started yelling and said, “Don’t roll your eyes at me or I will get your kid and you will both leave!” He then asked me my name in an intimidating manner. I then calmly said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not 12, you don’t need to talk to me like that”. And then he yelled, “well you aren’t going to talk to me like that!” (Which I have no idea what he was talking about, to this point all I had done was calmly try to explain that my son wasn’t on the heat sheet, and I was being polite because I was trying to figure out a way my child could still swim.) He then turned to the security guard and very loudly said, “No parents on the pool deck. This is why parents aren’t allowed on the pool deck, because THIS is how they act”. I think he was trying to embarrass me, but he only embarrassed himself, and AISD. I pulled my kids from the program, because any Coach who is going to treat a parent that way, will also treat the kids that way, and apparently that is now what has happened. This was all reported.
Sorry that happened. Summer league swimming can be a c.f. for everyone involved. Since AAC was running it, its very easy to add a summer in, regardless of who made the mistake. The mistake is not the a concern, fixing it is. I work as an AO for USA Swimming and we do this all of the time, add a swimmer into meets when some mistake has happened. Its a normal process, more so at B/C level swim meets.
I was actually sitting in the lobby when this happened this summer and unfortunately the commenter isn’t telling the whole truth. She was yelling at a female coach before Huffman stepped in. She continued to yell at Huffman being VERY disrespectful to both coaches. The commenter made a scene. Huffman ended it. It honestly looked like a Karen-like rant.
The female coach is posting now
It's unfortunate but not surprising to see one of the coaches in his "circle" defending him, given their track record of turning a blind eye to various issues or engaging in negative conversations about others. It is also discomforting to note the numerous accounts of people who have had negative experiences with Huffman. The fact that his goal seems to be to drive out anyone who has previously reported or had issues with him speaks volumes about his character. It raises concerns about the future of AAC's, and AISD Swimming's culture and environment.
They need to get rid of Danny and hire someone who can build the swim program in Arlington. This is so sad and as a tax payer I hope they can get their shit together and build a strong healthy program. Teaching kids to swim saves life’s.
It’s not all bad,
My Daughter started w/JH in 2022. She loved it. Coach Dolberry was so nice to her. She loved all of the coaches. We did sprint training group over the summer and loved that. Afterward we signed up for club. We loved Coach Maddie then Coach Matthew, and my daughter was always so incredibly excited when she showed up and realized Coach Eric was coaching her group. The stands were in a high frenzy when Coach Eric was coaching. Everyone knew whoever he coached was about to experience something special.
Now my daughter is beat down. It’s not just her, it is at least 4 out of 5 of AAC swimmers. My daughter wanted to quit, but 1st we decided to go to a high school meet where we saw Coach Dolberry’s students smiling and happy, Coach Matthew’s students smiling and happy, Coach Weidemann’s swimmer happy and going fast, and Coach Eric’s swimmer laughing the whole time and going so fast. The whole time Coach Huffman, Coach Bekah, and the secretary, Jamie, seemed crazy angry. Why are we giving control to outside coaches who are angry instead of AISD coaches who students are happy and fast?
When Coach eric was in charge I remember inspired swimmers, happy parents amd excited coaches. Why did we change this?
If all these stories are true… and I know at least one is…. And you haven’t said anything to the people who can do something about it… then ranting about it here is pointless… do something!
Reporting to someone who protects the guilty does nothing. Yea yea try that first. If that doesn't work make it public, force them to address it.
The guilty are counting on that idea that you are to afraid and won't
Concerned Arlington Parent, You are right but we have tried for over a year and been constantly shut down. Posted our stories collectively and publicly is doing something
This infuriates me. As a former swim parent we had the displeasure of being there during the previous “COVER UP” where there were no real consequences for that incident. Now, I hope that the district does the right thing by not allowing this egotistical, power hungry, prick to return. I know for a fact, had any of this happened to my child, I would have received the phone call about him punching Coach Douchebag in the face for that. It is now time to step up & be the voice for your children. If you haven’t already emailed the AISD Athletic Director Eric White, I suggest that first. Next step is to attend the school board meetings with your children. Their voices need to be heard just as much, if not more. If the district doesn’t get their act together & do something more about this, they will start losing more & more swimmers. Then word will get around and nobody will want to be a part of a team that gets “BULLIED”
This sounds like it’s all coming from a small handful of swim kids who were either kicked off the team or were reprimanded for something. I’m aware as a parent of two swimmers of issues with kids and their parents trying to do everything possible to bring coach Huffman down because they couldn’t abide by his high expectations. Showing up on time and working hard is necessary for an exceptional program. Some kids think it’s ok to sleep in the parking lot and then once discovered retaliates because the coach had his safety and well-being in mind. My kids have loved this program and can say only great things. They are amazing swimmers thanks to Coach Matt, Coach Eric, Coach Huffman and Coach Bekah. They are comfortable talking to their coaches and getting feedback a life skill that I didn’t have at their age. They respect the need to show up early and work for the entire practice. AAC is lead by a great coach.
As for the hand slap issue. He gave the high five to a high school boy who has been hell bent on bringing Huffman down since day one because someone said no to him.
For those that have zero relationship to the club please know that not everything in print in the internet is true and that there is more than one side to the story.
It is insane to me that you spend your adult lives making up stories on blogger. Huffman has been my coach for about at year and a half and is by far the best coach we’ve ever had. At the beginning of my freshman year, I was in the slow lanes and a nobody in the district. By districts, I was not only prepared to swim but excited, because even though his practices were hard, they all payed off. I wound up being a district champ and region finalist. At first he was difficult to like because he wasn’t playing around, and we really wanted to impress him, because we knew he created state champs. Before he was put on leave, we had really started to enjoy having him as a coach. He would tell us stories about his kids and really wanted to help us become not just good swimmers, but also hard working people. His biggest issue is when people don’t have good work ethic. He never gets mad at us as long as we are trying as hard as we can. The people who have an issue with him are either lazy, disrespectful at times, or just listening to whatever stories people tell.
This is a vague statement since you aren’t bring any additional information to the table. He’s a great coach who has helped my kid do better at stokes, distances, and times. He is dedicated and hard working and expects the same out of his swimmers.
This student was a high school boy and received the equivalent to a high five. And an adult telling him to get back to work because that’s what’s expected from members of his team. If you are injured go home.
This is use an immature comment and proves nothing about how coach Huffman interacts with his staff, swimmers, or parents.
Posting here doesn’t make it true. If this happened it should be formally documented.
There are zero facts in this post. It’s just a fear tactic posted by a parent or swimmer who couldn’t accept that they aren’t on the team. Coach Huffman is a great coach who cares for the safety and wellbeing of each swimmer
As an AAC parent I can say he runs a well organized and safe swim club. It’s interesting how people just believe anything posted on the internet as though it were fact. A small handful of students are causing this ugly uproar because he said no to them.
So the swim director was observing the weight room. Um nothing to talk about here.
Coach Huffman was building a great program but parents and kids don’t like to be told they need to be on time and work hard. My children have gotten a lot out of this program because we get their on time and work.
He wanted to coach only his high school team. He never wanted to be the swim director.
If she’s beat down then swimming might not be her thing. My swimmers are happy and love swimming for Coach Bekah. Lots of chatting and laughter from her and the swimmers. I hear the same from my older swimmer who swims with Coach Huffman. He’s personable and funny. He tells jokes, stories about his kids and asks them about their lives. All the coaches are doing a great job.
Yet, when a swimmer does stay home because of an illness or an injury, they are then told they should have still come to practice to prove that they really want to be there. I’m sorry but you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Since when has grooming become an excepted part of ANY curriculum? How do we know that this parent hasn’t reported it? I personally know that no matter how many times you report things to the district they don’t always report things and it just gets swept under the rug, so as to not taint their reputation. Well guess what, this is doing a fine job of that instead.
My name is Lee Miller, I have been a swim parent for 18 years, plus high swim parent for 8 years (three kids through high school and college swimming). All my kids swim / swam at Arlington High. This is part of what I sent off to the district and directors.
At the start of the 2023 / 2024 swim season, the AISD coaches were told By Danny Huffman, they are only allowed to have 2 dual meet competitions each at our facility. These competitions will each include 4 AISD teams, so that there are only 4 total days that he must be at the pool for high school swim meets. According to Coach Huffman this is because "it is bullshit" (that’s a direct quote) that he had to be at the pool 13 times last year. We have personally talked with coaches and parents in Mansfield, Fort Worth, Grapevine, Keller, Southlake/Carroll, and Grand Prairie. These teams, on average, have 7 to 8 dual meets per year, plus many of these teams will also host 2 to 3 large invite meets at their home pools each season. In addition, many of these teams also have one day per week set aside to run high school swim meets at their home pools. This usually runs from October - January. This is three times the total number of dual meets allowed by Coach Huffman. Prior to Coach Huffman becoming the aquatics director, each team had a total of seven to eight home swim meets. Last year, Coach Huffman’s first year, those numbers dropped to four to five home swim meets per team, and now he has further reduced that this year to two home dual meets.
In November, all the AISD teams finished with all their home dual meets, which is barely halfway through the traditional swim season. There will be one more swim meet in January which comprises of all the six high school teams, but that is it for the year. These conditions severely affect an athlete’s ability to get better and grow as swimmers; to be seen by recruiters; to compete for district, regional, and state titles. Danny Huffman’s lack of concern for the athletes of this and other districts should be a warning. The Arlington Aquatics Center is one of the newest and most advanced aquatics centers in North Texas. The AAC is being underutilized compared too much smaller sized recreation center pools. This in turn harms the growth and future of our athletes, and their ability to take advantage of their time in High School to get ready for the next step in their education and athletic endeavors.
No. He’s never pressured my swimmers to attend when sick.
And as an AAC parent, you were there when this incident, or any incident for that matter, has occurred? So you personally witnessed any of these happenings? Because I sure would hope as a parent, if you personally did not witness this, that you are not teaching your children it’s ok to make someone feel like the actions that were made against them really didn’t happen and they madder then it to be bigger than they really are. That is the reason people do not use their voice anymore, because of people like you!
Observing the weight room is one thing, doing it in the dark is another. If that would have been someone’s home and their window, they would be called a peeping Tom or a pervert, so explain to me what’s the difference
Since Coach Huffman is on Admin Leave it is probably safe to assume that at least one parent reported. Perhaps, we should not insinuate it wasn't reported.
1. How many good things does a coach have to do for other swimmers to make it acceptable for him to strike your child just once or twice?
2. How many good things does a coach have to do in order to let him get away with having one closed door meeting with your daughter?
3. If the coach is really nice to your white female children and they like him is it okay for him to be aggressive to males or children of other races?
Most coaches banned from USA Swim had many adults and children on their side
Most coaches banned from school work had many adult and children on their side
Sandusky had many adults and children on his side
Nassar had many adult and children on his side.
Because it did not happen to your child does not mean it did not happen
Keyboard warriors.
To put Coach Huffman in the same category as Sandusky and Nasser is slanderous and without merit.
By definition comparisons are not slanderous even if you disagree with them.
Without merit regards perspective and insight. Every facility built since 2000 has a camera on every square inch. If he doesn't return the cameras saw things that could not be denied (iinsight).
Six weeks suggest the cameras have seen some things.
Or am I reading you wrong? Are you saying Sandusky and Nassar are much cooler than Danny Huffman?
Either way, its a poor statement.
That is an interesting point, but why did the coaches not try to go to other dual meets in the DFW area as well as invitationals.
There are a lot of accusations going around on here, it seems there are conflicting opinions on what might be true what might be false…. Here’s some facts…. Danny Huffman has repeatedly been reported to District HR for various, issues with Parents, Coaches, and swimmers. The original incident at the start of this blog was witnessed by multiple coaches, swimmers, parents, and CAMERAS. The student involved didn’t say anything about it to anyone (almost until it was to late), until he was told to by a teacher who saw what happened, it’s not the first time Danny Huffman has been unprofessional in his interactions with a variety of individuals surrounding AAC and the district. I agree with the post that outlined that there are always going to be supporters and detractors when dealing with a group. But saving 5 people’s lives does not absolve unjustly killing one individual. Danny Huffman has PROVEN over and over to be unprofessional, unstable, and bitter. He dismisses anyone who has a different opinion. He has directly sought to ruin the careers of district employees, with the intent to hire his own personal friends in there place, he has confiscated the booster funds from the individual schools for his own personal benefit, he has pushed for fewer swim meets at the Arlington Natatorium so in his own words “I don’t need to be here that much, it’s bullshit”…. The District doesn’t put someone on Administrative Leave for 7 weeks for nothing. The District has interviewed every coach, HS swim team, and many parents. They have looked through the camera footage, and been as though as they’ve ever been. Whatever the out come I think it will be as fair as they can be, but know this… no matter what happens, Danny Huffman’s return WILL have only a negative impact on Arlington swim.
Oh and the other coaches did go to other dual meets in the metroplex, the point is, if Arlington ISD wants to grow thier program they need to host as many meets as is possible, but Danny Huffman is lazy, and doesn’t want to put in the time outside of AAC that it takes to build the program properly.
A reminder from Bryan Caplan:
Hyperbole is the worst thing in the universe.
It would be an AO from a competing club, with very close ties to the previous and likely disgruntled coordinator, on here trying to paint the new coordinator and head coach of AAC in a bad light. Makes sense.
It’d be interesting to know who you think is being hyperbolic! I admit someone is, but there’s facts here too…
I am an Admin Official (AO) with Mid-Cities Arlington (MARS). I do have close ties with the previous Aquatic Director. I even consider them close friends. However you seem to forgot, I worked all of the swim meets at the AAC with the exception of one. I have spent many hours working swim meets at the AAC for high school and USA club. I am not going to support Danny, when he retaliate against his coaches who opened HR complaints against him. He cut the number of high school swim meets at AAC to 1/3 from the prior AD. The AAC is a top notch natatorium in North Texas and is grossly under utilized. There should be swim meets for both High School or Club happening at minimum 2 to 3 times per month at the AAC. I am using data from pools around the area like Mansfield, Grapevine, and Fort Worth. Swimming is a year around sport, with only a few small breaks between seasons. Seeing a pool like AAC not being used to its fullest potential is just sad.
Danny also withheld fundraiser monies from the AISD invite swim meet, stating that money was his to spend. That has been a major fundraiser for the AISD swim teams for many years. This problem was reported to HR last spring, the high schools eventually got the 2022 AISD invite monies in Sept 2023. We are now dealing with the same issue for the 2023 invite monies being withheld.
Lee Miller
I hope that the district takes into consideration, not only the swimmers that have been affected by his actions now, but the future of the district. Keeping Huffman on could discourage anyone from wanting to be a part of an amazing program. Regardless of whether or not my son decides to participate on the swim team, I want to know that he will be safe and protected.
This whole thing is sad, Danny Huffman could have been the catalyst for great things in AISD, but his chosen actions have been very disappointing. What I have seen and heard is that there is way more negative surrounding him than positive, and if the District isn’t careful it could mean years of chaos.
Actually you’re incorrect as well, but not surprised since you failed to do your research.
Since this is a blog it has nothing to do with slandering someone or comparing one to another by definition.
I should have used
Liable “ Defamation includes slander and libel. Libel is the act of defaming another person through writings, such as newspapers, other publications, articles, blogs or social media. You and others are comparing that Huffman is like the others. That is an attack against his character without proof that he is just like the others.
You have made a number of Assumptions in your post not backed with facts. 1 camera locations, your example. They can’t see everything due to invasion of privacy laws . 2 time that he has been Has nothing to that he is guilty your making another assumption. 3. Then you trying to add that snide and misleading comment at the end. Is nothing but a coward of a move to deflect with the “cool comment” those 2 idiots got what they deserved.
And everyone in the world knows that. But your feelings must have been hurt, with my general comment so you felt you had to try and lash out irrationally with your hostility.
Soo I just read through all the comments to get feel for what’s being said, I read one post accusing a swimmer of being against Danny Huffman from the start…. And then relating several stories in a way that would mitigate how Danny Huffman handled them. I’d like to clear things up, since I am very aware of the circumstances. I know about the incident the poster used of “sleeping in the car”, the swimmer was not sleeping in the car, they were doing their homework. Danny Huffman had been told repeatedly that the swimmers academics took precedent over club, with the added fact that Danny Huffman had absolutely no authority in the matter, there was no reason for him to contact the student, and yelling at them did him no favors. That swimmer was there to possibly pick up someone else swimming there, and doing his home work at the same time. And the matter of a high five is ludicrous, the slap from Huffman was confusing, unwanted, unneeded, and unprofessional. And the swimmer didn’t say anything to anyone until adults that were on the deck at the time told the swimmer to say something. As for the swimmer wanting it easy and being lazy…. They get up every morning at 5am and take themselves to swim, they go to school all day and then go back every afternoon, unless school takes precident, and swims more, then goes home and does more homework, that doesn’t sound lazy to me. Maybe this clears things up for those not trying to protect a tyrant.
Well it looks like AISD aquatics has lost another Director 2 in less than 5 years. How are we going to fill this position with this track record going forward. Who is going to want to be the Director. Hey maybe some of those people commenting in this blog, should apply, they seem to qualified based on the knowledge they have been puking 🤮 out of their traps.
Who would want it, you have given into coaches, parents, swimmers, HR, AD, oh don’t forget they can’t have ideas based on the experience that they would have to bring to the table. They would have to oversee HS coaches, lifeguards, swim club, summer program, budget, facilities. And be involved with hiring. Meet schedules HS/Club. Parents and work on growing the club program. Oh and the outstanding 3rd grade swim program.
Any takers?
It sounds like when people had to interact with you they had huge complaints. It looks like this involved people at every level of interaction.
The rest sounds like the job description of an aquatics coordinator.
No interaction, just common business knowledge and common sense and logic. paying attention and reading all the 🤮
Sounds like in every way, and with every category of people involved that our last Director failed to conduct himself professionally. Seems like there was not an area he didn’t struggle in. Maybe if he had worked with people instead of being a tyrant he might still be around. I don’t like the way some of the information on this blog has been presented, and I’m positive some of it is hyperbole, but there were a lot of problems here. As to someone around the situation applying for the job, I’ll do it, at least you’d get someone that would act like a professional. A truly professional person will want this job. I know several people that could and would be an inspiration in this capacity…. I just have to convince them to leave the perfect situation they are in….
lmao Cole get off of blogger and go do something with your life
Going at a child - this is one of the many reasons you deserved to lose your job
Danny, how do you not realize that the more you say (especially here) the more you reveal that the accusations here are truth?
Danny Huffman, with your last AISD breath you try to disparage a child!
Everyone knows it, but you are so wretched that I’ll say it again. You are a an absolute of shit.
Danny it’s wonderful to see that you understand that Cole is smart enough to present the case of what happened to him so well. But since I told him to stay off this blog, your guess is wrong. This is Joel Thomas, Cole’s father, and have been involved with all of this for well over a year. I know without a doubt the exact circumstances and outcomes of every situation Involving Cole and I’ve laid them out here truthfully and without hyperbole, as some have done. Danny, Cole is already on his way to taking the advise you just gave, despite your actions during his senior year. Despite your arrogance, laziness, and tyrannical behavior. Despite the lack of swim meets to have coaches come see him swim at (several of them were stunned that there were not more), Cole will be swimming in college at a very good program. He will very definitely get his degree and “do something with his life”. He will do great things! Far surpassing either of us. I do want to thank you Danny for one thing, thank you for giving me so many teachable moments with Cole, he has learned soooo much on how NOT to act and interact with people, how to be professional, and responsible. Your lack of understanding of the proper way to lead people is staggering. You’re a boss not a leader, you wield a cudgel and expect people to follow. Leaders lead people, people in charge have to follow behind and drive with fear and intimidation. You are the latter. I hope you’ve come to a place where you can see and change, but I doubt it. As the next blog poster said “how do you not see”. I tried to bring to your understanding in several of those times we talked about the situations with Cole the right way to handle them, and the understanding of the limits you had, and the proper way to coach young people, you even had some of the best examples around you, but you pushed it all away in arrogance. Good bye, Good luck, and God’s speed. One last parting statement, you’d still have a job if there wasn’t 3 weeks of evidence of your actions to go through.
Joel, very well said!
Anyone defending Huffman has got to be brain dead because there's been so many witnesses and people saying what's been going on there's no reason to lie about someone "good" especially since he's only been here a year and a half...
Do you realize how intensely the coaching world demands that all things be handled in house?
These are all things that an observant parent or student would have seen. If this is what got out, what didn't is 10 times as bad. This place has to have been hell for any of Danny's subordinates who tried to do what was right.
This is about protecting students, but we have to empower the good people who work within a broken system to do just that. Those who shared what they needed to did the right thing. Those who kept their mouths shut are a part of the problem.
In order for Cole to be successful he should come to practice and not just sit in the parking lot.
You sure know a lot about the financials which means you are receiving information from inside.
Y’all might have done a good job outing the aquatic coordinator but you should also look at the coaches…they are NOT angels!!
We help all people who are willing to be helped and want to do good by our children.
That's an extremely vague shot in the dark.
Danny = very bad human.
Swim coaches = human. The ones I know are good humans.
Not the same thing
If the parent meeting proved anything it was that Danny treated 3 15 year old girls exceptionally well and everyone else exceptionally bad. I think the people who should be most concerned are the parents of the 3 girls he treated so well!
I understand he had some of the same issues described here in his previous jobs at Angleton HS and Deer Park HS.
It’s callled booster club. Financials are what they do
If you keep tracking back you’ll find the same problems in Mansfield and before that and Tennessee. He’s become more egregious at every turn. Before that, he had difficulties as a jailer for being to aggressive and demeaning.! How did he end up working with children?
A Tyrant will always be a tyrant….. and if history has taught us anything, there are people who will support tyrants. But in the end the character of a man will be revealed. The man has the live with that, the farther he goes, the more he reveals. Be at peace Bekka, Cole knows what’s important, his academics come first, before club swim. So sitting in the parking lot doing homework wins in the end, doesn’t matter why, he was doing what he was suppose to. The fact that he is once again a happy and thriving High Schooler says a lot. I have my happy son back…. No thanks to the Tyrant!
This is what got out. As a Texas public school coach, I can guarantee that what didn’t get out is far worse
Danny is now attempting to spread false information about AISD programming, going so far as to call his former club families and tell them that all the coaches are making lies up and disseminating them through ISD families
The saddest thing is that all
His focus should be on securing a future for his children instead of making sure the families of 15 year old girls think he’s still cool.
Th second saddest is that a few (very few) of the parents believe his lies
He will do everything he can to cause all of the devision and destruction possible, and he takes joy in it. He is deeply troubled and doesn't want to be fixed.
This guy!
In the past 2 weeks Danny has initiated multiple false complaints to the UIL against coaches and swimmers that he thinks are against him. He has pretended to be a parent and called to complain to AISD about swim coaches. He has posted false reports on AISD social media swim sites. He is on ring camera catching a bag of poop on fire on a coach's porch. (The coach has reluctantly gone to the police.) What else has he done?
Healthy people don't have enemies everywhere they look. Healthy 50 year olds aren't burning bags of poop on people's porches. Danny Huffman has 3 or 4 people who still support him. If you are one of them, please try to get him into therapy.
This is bad for everyone. I pray for you if you are a parent who supports Coach Huffman and has children who swim for him. We need to find help for him but not at the expense of your children. Your children are first. Don't see things out at their expense. Move them to an established program now, and give them the best chance.
Pray for the broken. Provide the best opportunity for your children. Harm none. Help all.
This is completely right. Don't try to hurt others, but realize that if a coach isn't mature enough to realize that your child needs high level training with high level swimmers then that coach isn't mature enough to coach your child. A high level junior high or high school swimmer has just a few years left and needs to be a part of a mature program. Any program that is going to be great will understand and support this while they build a foundation with the youngest swimmers and turn their program into a mature program.
It doesn't matter how good the coach is, older swimmers will be long gone before even the best program is what they needed
True - you want to be good to people, but the coach is an adult who is being paid as a professional. They're feelings shouldn't get hurt. Even if they do, it should be what is best for your child first. The coach is still getting paid. their feelings shouldn't keep you from doing the best by your child.
Just noticed and removed previous comment.
Apologies to anyone offended by the comment.
Danny got really drunk about 6 months ago and told everyone at the bar that he once put on full camo and put sugar in Bob’s gas tank in the middle of the night
If true, would love to have witness(es) deposed.
Please contact me via email (texasswimmingblog@yahoo.com) so our attorney may proceed.
Latest rumor - there is a job open in Frisco (Danny, "Thats my job. Don't even try. Melissa loves me"
Another rumor - Pearland ISD must be desperate
I wonder if Pearland has realized their mistake yet. Danny can only behave for a couple of months before his delicate little ego has to try and take advantage of somebody who is vulnerable.
Wonder if he's figured out he's running out of chances? If he cannot change, he might need to think about selling insurance or going into real estate!
Eric Briscoe, Brooke Dolberry and Matthew Kahlig need to get a life!
Same thing happened at Dawson High School in Pearland. Yelling at kids. Running swimmers off. Complaints to administration.
I’m number 100! Danny is way worse than this blog has even begun to suggest.
Dolberry is the worst coach in Arlington.
It is a shame that the swimmers had to see Rebekah Welch escorted off the pool deck by security during the district swim meet.
It is ashame that some of this continues. The swimmers had to watch As Rebekah Welch was escorted of the pool deck by security during the district meet. She was not a coach at the meet.
The kids had to watch Rebekah Welch escorted out of their district meet. Rebekah no longer works there but snuck into the pool deck. Smh
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet, was trying to coach our children, and had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
This probably should be less of a celebration and more of a sign of how many people Danny has been bad to
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet and was interacting with our children, had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
Why has no one mentioned that Rebekah Welch who no longer works at AISD snuck onto the pool deck at the district meet and was interacting with our children, had to be escorted out by security? Why has no one mentioned that she showed up on Monday morning and had to be asked to leave the premises a second time?
I tried to post the same thing but it gets deleted every time
What is happening, if you post the red head coach's name it automatically deletes the thread!!!!!
The red headed female coach who no longer works for the district snuck onto the pool deck and was being weird with the kids during district champs and had to be escorted out by security. Then she showed up again on Monday AM and trying to hand out with the kids and had to be asked to leave the premises again!!
Bob, why do comments mentioned or describing Rebekah Welch disappear
It is disgusting that Rebekah Welch had to be escorted off the pool deck at district after sneaking in then snuck into to visit the kids again on Monday morning
She snuck on to the pool deck and had to be removed on Saturday and Monday.
My kids asked why she was there since she had been fired and why security had to escort her out
My kids said it was very odd when she was trying to coach them and felt uncomfortable when it took officers to escort her out
I noticed that too. Wondered if person posting had deleted themselves. When I went back to check, it looks like Blogger was labeling them spam. I will fix and remove the spam label.
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