Sunday, November 14, 2021

Powder Term

Is your middle-schooler under pressure to be "connected" day and night?  Isn't it time to get them to put away that phone and get outside?

This is straight from the Powder Term Phone-Free Philosophy:

Between old-school classrooms, new-school screen addictions, and the constant pressure of social media, teens today have little opportunity to stretch their limits. They need more space to explore who they really are, what they really care about, and what they’re really capable of.

That's why outside of self-driven academic courses, Powder Term students are completely unplugged. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live free from the burden of infinite scrolling.

Sounds pretty good, right?

Registration deadline for the January 9-February 12 term has passed.
Get more info on future sessions at their home page here:


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