The New York Times came out with an article this week talking, in scathing terms, about the sciences being "title nined". Thanks to Zuska and PhysioProf for writing about this. I don't get the New York Times anymore because when we first moved here they didn't deliver it in our backwater little town.
The article is such a piece of trash, quoting people like Christina Hoff Summers as if she is some kind of gentle voice of reason when it comes to Title IX, instead of a mouthpiece for whacko right wing nut jobs.
Since we advocate the elimination of the quota system that wipes out men's sports, we're "whacko right wing nut jobs". OUCH!
Title IX is the law of the land. As much as the male patriarchy in the sciences feels that their Exalted Work comes before any law, it is beholden to them to toe the line and comply. Period. End of story. And it is about time someone stepped into the science arena swinging a big Title IX stick to beat some compliance into their heads.
Can't you see? This is about revenge! Read more here.
Had the writer of this piece emptied a bottle of absinthe before sitting down at the keyboard?
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