Saturday, August 31, 2024

Relay Take-Offs


2011 UIL 5A State Championships (Lane 6 DQ'ed via machine on this exchange)

The UIL has updated the relay take-off rules for championship meets (district, region, & state).  It's definitely a move in the right direction!
TISCA release:

In all UIL championship meets in which electronic relay judging equipment is being utilized, a minimum of two (2), preferably four (4), relay takeoff judges must be assigned to observe relay exchanges.

  1. An individual relay takeoff judge should be assigned to observe no more than four (4), preferably two (2) lanes.
  2. Side takeoff judges should be positioned on the side of the pool nearest the lanes for which they have responsibility.
  3. Lane takeoff judges should be positioned facing the side judge and adjacent to starting platforms for which they have responsibility, where they will have an unrestricted view of the incoming and outgoing touches and departures.
  4. An alleged rules infraction, that is observed by any of the takeoff judges, shall be recorded immediately in writing. Each relay takeoff judge, who observes an alleged rules violation, shall wait until the last competitor of the heat is in the water before signaling an observed violation by raising a hand overhead, with open palm.  Both officials observing relay takeoff exchanges shall not be located next to each other on the side of the pool.
  5. When the relay judging equipment records an exchange of 0.00 and beyond on the positive side, or from the manufacturer’s starting point, there shall not be an early relay takeoff violation charged unless there has been an observed contact with the starting block by a swimmer or team personnel at the block and observed by the official assigned to the lane.
  6. Should the electronic relay judging equipment fail, it would take dual confirmation from officials to validate a DQ.


Non-Omega Timing System

  • Any negative value - DQ MUST have confirmation by at least one (1) takeoff judge
  • 0.00 and greater - LEGAL (NO VIOLATION) (Judges are not considered unless there was an observed contact as described in #5 above)


Omega Timing System

  • Any negative value less than -0.03 - DQ MUST have confirmation by at least one (1) takeoff judge
  • -0.03 and greater - LEGAL (NO VIOLATION) (Judges are not considered unless there was an observed contact as described in #5 above)
Long-time Texas Swimming Blog readers will recall numerous posts on some ridiculous relay DQ's in past UIL state championships.
To find a few of those, just type "Appendix B" and/or "Relay Protocol" into the search option in the upper left of this site.

Quote of the Day

Money can't buy you happiness but it does
bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
Terence Alan "Spike" Milligan

Thursday, August 29, 2024

High School Update

Keller HS has been crowned boys' national champions by Swimming World.
“It’s a tremendous honor to be recognized for all the hard work that the student-athletes have put in over the years,” Keller head coach Jamie Shults said. “For me personally, it’s a joy to know that all our kids have national recognition. I see them at the pool hours on end training 5 a.m. (practices) and doubles, so to see this that hard work play out with a national title is just inspiring.”

Full story here
Swimming World recognized Keller's Maximus Williamson as the male high school swimmer of the year.  Williamson trains with Lakeside Aquatic Club (LAC).  More here

Quote of the Day

For purposes of action nothing is more
useful than narrowness of thought
combined with energy of will.
Henri Frédéric Amiel

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Quote of the Day

There are some things you learn
best in calm, and some in storm.
Willa Silbert Cather

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Y'all may have heard...

...that I'm no longer coaching swim in Bay City.
It's true - what a relief!
Here's a little look around as I wrapped things up at "the facility":

Quote of the Day

Where senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pennsylvania Legend Roy Snyder

via Spotlight on Berks Sports
Listen as we visit with Roy SnyderEpisode LIII is here
00:01 – Disclaimer & banter

00:33 – Join ASCA

02:26 – Abbott/Button Special

02:42 – Introducing Roy Snyder

03:17 – Origins of Wilson HS swimming

05:48 – A total program

06:39 – YMCA & HS highlights

08:26 – Depth = Dual Strength

09:40 – Day in the life of a WHS Bulldog

12:00 – One-man band?

14:00 – Aerobic wins

16:03 – Roy’s start at Allentown HS

17:46 – Doc Counsilman & George Breen

19:23 – What hasn’t changed?

21:05 – Breaststroke turns & finishes

25:58 – AD or AD?

30:33 – Assistant coach Alison Snyder

32:37 – Canadian Butterfly

33:17 – Plunge for Distance

36:03 – A look in the rearview

39:44 – Patience NOW!?!?

40:12 – Kristy Kowal

40:59 – Wrapping it up

Quote of the Day

The most unpardonable sin in society
is independence of thought.
Emma Goldman

Monday, August 19, 2024

Quote of the Day

The crime of loving is forgetting.
Maurice Auguste Chevalier

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fact Checker


Quote of the Day

The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident
which everybody had decided not to see.
Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, a.k.a. Ayn Rand

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Episode LIV: Mike Murray, The Sequel

We last visited with Mike Murray four years ago.
Plenty has changed since then!
Listen here


00:01 – Disclaimer & banter

01:38 – ASCA membership & mentorship

03:04 – Introducing Mike Murray

03:42 – From Victor to Albany

05:01 – Victor’s Burke & Wisner

07:09 – Saratoga Sharks & more

07:28 – Revolution at Albany Academy

09:39 – The elusive SwimNerd

10:11 – Building the Academy numbers

12:45 – Pandemic aftereffects

14:30 – Open water opportunities

15:00 – Orlando World Clinic

16:22 – Fitter & Faster

16:52 – ASCA leadership & education

19:10 – Special Forces group

21:30 – NCSA Junior Nats

23:10 – The move east

23:37 – The staff of thousands

26:31 – Work Works

30:25 – AA facility

31:36 – Gilbert Legaspi

32:23 – Enjoying the work

36:04 – Trusting the work

37:57 – SWOLF & Quadathlon

41:28 – Adirondack LSC

42:02 – USRPT

45:43 – Last 15m

47:04 – Rebuilding

49:22 – Chuck’s new book


Quote of the Day

A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to
want it at the expense of everything else.
Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Swimming World Internships

Interested in being an aquatics journalism or social media intern?

Swimming World is looking for YOU!!  Read more here


If you or someone you know – athlete, team manager, grad assistant, etc. – is interested in gaining exposure and journalism experience this school year, please submit the following to John Lohn at

  • A brief bio including name, school, conference, major and class.
  • A brief letter about how this internship will contribute to your professional goals and what you hope to gain through the program.
  • An aquatics-related writing sample. This may be an analysis piece, a feature story, or a training-specific article. Be sure to edit your story thoroughly. Look through our website to see examples of our intern stories!
  • Please aim for between 600 and 800 words and abide by Associated Press Style rules.
  • Applications are due Monday, August 26.

*Applicants will be notified of their selection by Friday, August 30. Selected applicants will begin their internship on Monday, September 9, 2024. The internship will conclude Friday, April 18, 2025.

Social Media:

If you or someone you know – athlete, team manager, grad assistant, etc. – is interested in gaining exposure to social media this school year, please submit the following to John Lohn at

  • A brief bio including name, school, conference, major and class.
  • A brief letter about how this internship will contribute to your professional goals and what you hope to gain through the program.
  • Screenshots, written work, or links to previous work in social media. This does not have to be aquatics related, as personal accounts are acceptable.
  • Graphic design experience is a plus!
  • Applications are due Monday, August 26.

*Applicants will be notified of their selection by Friday, August 30. Selected applicants will begin their internship on Monday, September 9, 2024. The internship will conclude Friday, April 18, 2025.

Two More Openings


Find more jobs here

Quote of the Day

Theories are always very thin and insubstantial,
experience only is tangible.
Hosea Ballou

Monday, August 12, 2024

Episode LII: Trey Hayes

Listen in as we talk with Trey HayesEpisode LII is here

00:01 – Disclaimer & Intro

01:19 – ASCA info

01:45 – Introducing Trey Hayes

02:20 – Coaching philosophy

05:41 – Balancing club & school coaching

07:02 – Working with Penny DiPomazio

07:48 – Lubbock via Amarillo

08:15 – Tim Estes

08:42 – Triathlons to swimming

09:05 – TJ Fry

09:39 – John Pittington & NLU

12:40 – The right fit

14:31 – Competing in 6A

15:55 – Virtual Club

18:43 – Elementary swim

24:54 – Arlington ISD water safety

26:25 – West Texas Beard Co.

27:05 – AISD high schools

28:21 – What hasn’t changed?

30:21 – Ripping on USRPT

33:05 – Staff cooperation

35:11 – Late bloomers

36:10 – Sharing athletes

41:14 – Coaching your own

45:04 –West Texas pride

46:35 – Travel schedule

48:00 – Wrapping it up