TISCA president Penny DiPomazio said TISCA proposed to the UIL that it use video backup for the state meet and also that it return to having dual verification for disqualifications. That would mean at least one human official would have to call an early exchange in addition to the timing equipment. She said that TISCA wanted the timing equipment to "save" rather than punish a swimmer.
If you missed the original article, view it here.
"I would refer to it as more of a press - not a punch, a solid, firm press," Warne said. "If you just come in and touch it, a touch is not a press."
Speaking of dent, Susan B. Anthony Dollar-sized hail has been reported in the DFW area this evening.
Glad to see the follow up with both DMN and Swimmingworld. NOTE: my car is full of DENTS
I noticed in the original DMN article that the UIL said that the SLC coach did not file a protest within the required 48 hours. Where is that rule written? I cannot find it in the UIL rules. Is it an NFHS rule? The only 48 hour rule I can find is if there is an incident at a sporting event (such as a coaches ejection) an the official needs to document it within 48 hours.
in the nfhs rule book:
Within one hour after the meet, the referee shall check the scorer's tabulations, record the time the meet was completed and sign the scoresheet, thus establishing the official score. The meet score can be reviewed and clerical errors corrected within 48 hours of the completion of the meet.
Thanks for the note Button - I'm surprised that HS swimming doesn't make a Sunday exception for the 48 hour rule considering that we can't swim on Sundays.
no problem.
we have this issue from time to time - especially in dual meets. we go back over a result, discover that something was missed, and correct it.
it's more important to get it right on site for championship meets, though, as hardware is being awarded immediately after the meet.
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