Saturday, May 07, 2022

Learning the Hard Way


When I started working in commercial interior construction, I didn't know a Screw Gun from a Ramset.

Lucky for me, brother Mike helped me figure things out in a hurry.  Calling for him to cut me a piece of drywall "forty-eight and three eighths" inches wide got me this response:

"Run out to the truck and get the sheet rock stretcher!"

Okay, I get it...

So, here we are - decades later - and I'm still learning things the hard way.
We've been dealing with lane rope connection issues for years in BC.  Ropes that were purchased for our SCY pool would've been great if our anchors were in the end walls.
Unfortunately, they're in the gutters, about 8" away from the ends.  That means we've been buying - and bending - and losing - long extension hooks at $30+ a piece.
You can learn from our mistake(s):

It sure would make sense for anyone in the same situation to buy SCM ropes, then shorten them, right?

The cost for the longer ropes is just about the same as what you pay for adding extensions to the shorter ones.

"Going long" saves the headache of dealing with those pain-in-the butt extensions.
Saving the excess discs means you'll have extras when you need to replace broken ones.

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